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エグゼクティブMBA講座 (英語)4回コース ( 1講座のみの受講も可能です)

藤川 佳則  一橋大学 准教授
小野ジョディー  一橋大学  特任准教授
西坂 美奈  一橋大学 特任講師
楠木 建  一橋大学  教授
伊藤友則  一橋大学  教授

日時 2019年02月22日(金)19:00-21:00


楠木 建  
教授も、登場!  2019年2月。毎週金曜夜に4回シリーズで 一橋ICS(一橋大学大学院国際企業戦略専攻)と表参道カレッジがコラボレーションし、一橋大学のエグゼクティブMBAプログラムのエッセンスを取り込んだ授業を展開します。



Executive MBA sessions: 
We present this special series through a collaboration between Omotesando College and Hitotsubashi ICS. ICS faculty give us a glimpse of the EMBA classroom experience, across four business topics. All sessions are in English. Join us!
*Hitotsubashi ICS is the global face of the Hitotsubashi University Business School (HUB) and offers both degree and non-degree programs.
Session Themes and Lecturers:
(1)“SERVICE MANAGEMENT|On Value Creation ” 
     February 1st, 2019 (Friday) 
     Yoshinori Fujikawa, Associate Vice President (藤川 佳則 准教授)
   February 8th, 2019(Friday) 
   Jody Ono, Adjunct Associate Professor(小野 ジョディー 特任准教授)
    Mina Nishisaka, Adjunct Assistant Professor(西坂 美奈 特任講師)
    February 15th, 2019(Friday) 
    Ken Kusunoki,  Professor(楠木 建  教授)
    February 22th, 2019(Friday)
    Tomonori Ito, Professor(伊藤 友則 教授)

(1)   Theme: “SERVICE MANAGEMENT|On Value Creation ”   
        Professor: Yoshinori Fujikawa, Associate Vice President (藤川 佳則 准教授)
       Date: February 1st, 2019 (Friday)

Positioned as an introduction to the field of service management, thesession intends:
Part 1: To help you:see opportunities and challenges with “value creation” inan increasingly digitizing and globalizing world, with three key words, namely,
- SHIFT | The World's Shifting Towards Service Economy
- MELT | Industry Boundaries's Disappearing Away
- TILT | Economic Center of Gravity's Moving from the North to the South,
Part 2: To introduce you to new lenses on value creation discussed in the frontiers of service management, such as:
- GDL | Goods-Dominant Logic
- SDL | Service-Dominant Logic
- MSP | Multi-sided Platform
Throughout the session, we will try out those new lenses one after another, see how the world looks differently, and detect future  possibilities for your business.

Professor: Jody Ono, Adjunct Associate Professor(小野 ジョディー 特任准教授)
Professor: Mina Nishisaka, Adjunct Assistant Professor(西坂 美奈 特任講師)
Date: February 8th, 2019 ( Friday ) 
Part 1: Know Your Leadership Cultures
Part 2: Cultural Self-Awareness
Leadership | globalization | diversity:  Buzzwords in Japanese business today. We're seeing more and bigger changes in our workplaces as Japanese companies hire more women and more non-Japanese. As business professionals based in Japan, how can we prepare ourselves for leading in this fast-evolving environment?
We often hear that "leadership is all about self-awareness." In this session, we'll explore a critical dimension of self-awareness: culture. For managers and leaders of diverse teams, a high comfort level with diverse workplace cultures is becoming a fundamental and required qualification.

First, with Jody Ono, we'll explore how leadership cultures can differ across countries, cultures, and companies, disentangling some common threads of confusion. We'll experiment with mapping our experiences using a helpful framework (developed by E. Meyer), and consider how best to travel across the leadership cultures you'll surely encounter in the course of your career.

Then, with Mina Nishisaka, we will work on understanding the lens of our own Japanese culture: What's truly unique about the Japanese work environment, and how is it seen by non-Japanese? Together, we will take another key step towards better understanding, deeper empathy and thus, better leadership. Join us for a fun and eye-opening evening!

(3) Theme: "STRATEGY”
     Professor: Ken Kusunoki,  Professor(楠木 建  教授)
     Date: February 15th, 2019 (Friday) 

This session is about competition and strategy of a business.  No firm can afford to ignore the need to compete. Every firm must understand competition and master the logic of competitive strategy. The essence of strategy is about being different.  This session brings a discipline, a set of concepts and logic underlying strategic differentiation.

    Professor: Tomonori Ito, Professor(伊藤 友則 教授)
    Date: February 22th, 2019(Friday)
Corporate Finance is a topic that all managers of public companies need to understand.  We will cover the concept of cost of capital, , capital structure, payout policies, valuation of companies, and how share price is determined, in this session.  We will learn about these topics using the case "ORIX Corporation : Surviving the Financial Crisis (A)(B)".

Door open:    18:45
Session:   19:00 - 21:00 
Venue: Omote Sando College (new office near Aoyama-Ichome Station)
Address:    2-4-16, Minamiaoyama, Minato-ku, Tokyo  MAP


*All sessions will be in English. No interpretation available.
*Max number of attendants: 48 people: Minimum number of attendants:4 people

Session Themes and Lecturers:
(1)“SERVICE MANAGEMENT|On Value Creation ”
     February 1st, 2019 (Friday) 
     Yoshinori Fujikawa, Associate Vice President (藤川 佳則 准教授)
   February 8th, 2019(Friday) 
   Jody Ono, Adjunct Associate Professor(小野 ジョディー 特任准教授)
    Mina Nishisaka, Adjunct Assistant Professor(西坂 美奈 特任講師)
    February 15th, 2019(Friday) 
    Ken Kusunoki,  Professor(楠木 建  教授)
    February 22th, 2019(Friday)
    Tomonori Ito, Professor(伊藤 友則 教授)
開場:   18:45
講座:   19:00-21:00
場所: 表参道カレッジ(新オフィス:青山一丁目駅徒歩3分)
住所 :    〒107-0062東京都港区南青山2-4-16
地図:  こちら
*最大人数:48名    最低開催人数:4名

*一橋ICS は、日本有数の国立大学として伝統ある一橋大学を母体とするビジネススクールです。スクール名にあるICSとはInternational Corporate Strategy(国際企業戦略)の頭文字であり、2000年にスタートしたMBAプログラムに続き、2017年よりエグゼクティブMBA(EMBA)も提供し、グローバル経営人材の育成に努めています。今回のコースでの担当講師はすべて一橋大学ICSの講師陣。レクチャーやディスカッションなど、全て英語で行われます。通訳はつきません。本格的なEMBA授業を体験したい方、ぜひご参加ください!


藤川 佳則
一橋大学  准教授

一橋大学   特任准教授

西坂 美奈
一橋大学  特任講師

楠木 建
一橋大学   教授

一橋大学   教授