西坂 美奈
一橋大学 特任講師
西坂 美奈 プロフィール
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Hitotsubashi ICS
一橋ビジネススクール 国際企業戦略専攻 特任講師
At ICS, Ms. Nishisaka supports students to settle into life in Japan during Foundation Week through workshops on topics including "Disaster Preparedness" and "Living in Japan and Tokyo.” Ms. Nishisaka also instructs the Japanese Culture Course, which is a six week course that dives deep into Japanese culture through lectures and field visits. Ms. Nishisaka co-instructs these courses with Ms. Motoko Kimura. Apart from her teaching at Hitotsubashi ICS, Ms. Nishisaka is Co-Executive Director of WaNavi Japan, a not-for-profit organization that supports international residents living in Japan through workshops and training sessions at corporations, embassies, international schools, and universities. Mina previously worked at the Monex Group for their CEO Office where she was responsible for Corporate Communications. Prior to joining the Monex Group, she worked at Citigroup in Japan where she started her career. Mina earned her B.A. in Environmental Information from Keio University, and obtained her M.A. in Communication Management from the
University of Southern California. Mina was born in Tokyo and spent her youth in the United States of America. She is a qualified Bousaishi (Disaster Prevention Specialist).
慶應義塾大学環境情報学部卒業。シティバンク銀行を経てマネックス証券(現マネックスグループ)入社。CEO室にてコーポレートコミュニケーションを担当。南カルフォルニア大学大学院にてコミュニケーションマネージメント修士号を取得後、帰国。現在は和なびジャパン共同代表を務める他、一橋ICSでJapanese Culture Course を担当する。