一橋大学 特任准教授
小野ジョディー プロフィール
Adjunct Associate Professor, Hitotsubashi ICS
一橋ビジネススクール 国際企業戦略専攻 特任准教授
Throughout her career, Jody Ono has designed, launched, and supported initiatives that enhance the development of students and professionals. Her experience with leaders and leadership across countries, sectors, and professional levels has enriched her dedication to helping people to define and practice good leadership. At ICS, Ms. Ono guides students in leadership development processes through the Wise Leadership Capstone, of which she is the creator. This program-long signature course helps students cultivate their practice of values-based, intentional leadership, expand their global awareness, and craft their visions for the future. To these objectives, ICS faculty members Hideki Kawada and Catherine Sibala also contribute their expertise as co-instructors.
Ms. Ono holds a 2003 M.P.P. from Princeton University (Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs), a 1993 M.A. from New York University (Graduate School of Arts and Sciences), and a 1989 B.A. from American University (School of International Service). Ms. Ono came to ICS from the instructional staff of the Texas A&M University Corps of Cadets Center for Leadership Excellence. There, drawing upon her international and cross-sectoral knowledge to contribute broad perspectives, she taught senior-year cadets. Also at Texas A&M, Ms. Ono developed activities, including several executive-level business
and policy leadership awards series, for the newly founded Mosbacher Institute of Trade, Economics and Public Policy at the Bush School of Government.
アメリカン大学(ワシントンDC)国際関係学部卒業。ニューヨーク大学大学院修士課程修了、M.A.取得(フランス政治経済学・EU統合専攻)。プリンストン大学ウッドロー・ウィルソン公共政策大学院M.P.P.(Master in Public Policy 公共政策学修士)取得。ストックホルム商科大学、テキサスA&M大学講師を経て2015年より現職。 一橋ICSでは、「リーダーシップ開発」の授業を担当し、自己認識と核心的価値観に基づく理念や、道徳・倫理に根付いた計画的実践力を学生達が習得できるよう指導。多岐に亘る国、業種、専門レベルのリーダー達との経験を通して、リーダーシップとは何かを深め、また、日常生活と業務においてより良いリーダーシップを発揮できるよう指導に専心してきた。