ホーム » 過去の講座一覧


From Corporate Ladder to Corporate Lattice -Make your employees more productive and motivated-

Anne C Weisberg   Deloitte Global Talent Director
佐々木かをり   イー・ウーマンおよびユニカルインターナショナル代表

日時 2009年11月11日(水)19:00-21:00


The seminar focusing on an innovative working framework successful in keeping professional workers motivated and productive, attracted various corporate management and human resource related personnel.

Everyone's attention was fully engaged during Ms. Weisberg's presentation on the concept of MCC.
The seminar facilitated by Kaori Sasaki, turned out to be an evening of active and exciting discussions taking place among the participants as well.

Many stayed behind after the seminar, introducing themselves to Ms. Weisberg and assertively asking her questions.
Thank you to all of you who joined us. We look very much forward to seeing you again!


初めての参加でしたが、思っていたよりアットホームな雰囲気で溶け込みやすくホッとしました。 ちょうど自分が代表を務めるNPOの人事考課の仕組みを考えていたときで、それぞれのスタッフのキャリアを相談する機会の重要性を再認識し、とても参考になりました。 (岩附 由香さん)

生の英語に触れる目的もあって参加しました。英語で聞くと、何故か考え方も変わり、日本的な発想から抜けられるように感じました。将来家庭との両立を考えているので、とても参考になりました。 (K.Aさん 女性)

The best thing I have learned from this seminar is ; the new point of view on the relationship between company and workers in terms of the transparency.What I understand is that ”MCC" is one of the great ways for HR staff. (Y.Kさん 女性)

I enjoyed the seminar so much. I learned many new things from Ms. Weisberg's lecture. The audience was very active and I am sure almost everyone had something to ask, comment, or deliver. (E.Hさん 女性)

I learned that there was a system not using "ladder" and employee satisfaction could be the key. I was not really sure what the corporate lattice was before the seminar. But I understood it was a sort of "win-win" relation between employee and company." (Y.Tさん 女性)




この人事の考え方は、アメリカで「2009 Global Diversity Innovation Award」を受賞し、書籍『Mass Career Customization』は雑誌ウォールストリートジャーナルでベストセラーとして紹介されています。

今回は、書籍の著者であり、この人事システムを実践しているAnne C Weisberg氏が初来日! 表参道カレッジにて、佐々木かをりと対談形式で、組織で「人」を活かす方法を話します。



Every corporation understands that the greatest asset of a company is its employees. It is in every business leader as well as human resource personnel’s interest to promote and create a working framework which keeps knowledgeable and professional employees productive and motivated.

In an ever changing cycle of career needs and expectations, this first time seminar in Japan will focus on a corporate lattice which has succeeded in enhancing and increasing overall employee satisfaction, productivity and loyalty.

This structured individualized approach has been awarded the [2009 Global Diversity Innovation Award] and the book [Mass Career Customization] introduced as a best-seller on the Wall-street Journal.

We welcome Ms. Anne C. Weisberg, Director in the Deloitte US firms' Talent organization and the co-author of the best selling book, Mass Career Customization: Aligning the Workplace with Today's Nontraditional Workforce (HBS Press, 2007). She is well-known for her leadership in the internal implementation of MCC, a signature initiative of Deloitte's Talent agenda.
This seminar hosted by Kaori Sasaki, will focus on customized paths within the corporate ladder which leads to the development and the advancement of each skilled employee.

There will be plenty of time for questions. This will be an extremely valuable and fruitful seminar for all managerial and human resource personnel as well as for those of you interested in career development.

*Mass Career Customization
“Mass Career Customization contributes to Deloitte's commitment to diversity by creating an open culture that provides opportunities for our people to have a good deal of choice in where, when, and how they work," said Jim Wall, DTT Global Managing Director for Talent Solutions and Chief Diversity Officer. "Each individual, over the course of their careers, is going to have different professional goals and work-life needs. Acknowledging that, supporting people’s choices, and matching their work-life demands with the needs of the organization can help to ensure their success and deliver business benefits."

Anne C Weisberg
  Deloitte Global Talent Director




※Lectures will be conducted in English. No interpreter will be provided. However, oral participation is not a requirement of this seminar.
※All are welcome.
