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Globally Active Business Women - Female Entrepreneurs of Australia

佐々木かをり   イー・ウーマンおよびユニカルインターナショナル代表

日時 2009年10月20日(火)19:00-21:00


We welcomed 9 entrepreneurs from Australia to Omotesando College's first all English seminar!

The session started out with a greeting message from Mrs. Elizabeth Masamune PSM, Minister (Commercial) of the Australian Embassy, introductions from each speaker, continuing on to valuable discussions facilitated by Kaori Sasaki.

Vigorous discussions took place throughout the evening, with topics ranging from business to family.

The seminar concluded with enthusiastic questions from our audience. Many stayed behind, exchanging and sharing.

Thank you very much to our 9 guests from Austrlia who have joined us in sharing their valuable experiences and to all of you who contributed to the evening with your presence!


I did learn that we, women, had a lot of great ideas to start our own business and power to attract enough and necessary resources. (Anonymity)

It was a great opportunity for me to meet female entrepreneurs from Australia. I could learn that female in Australia have more chance to be at higher positions of companies and to start their own business rather than female in Japan. There were something to learn from their attitude. They look very positive and have lots of passion to run their business. I appreciate their advices to overcome difficulties/challenges, i.e. "optimistic", "persistence" and "learn". The words gave me energy to go through my difficult times. (Anonymity)

I felt their passion and power.I think that they are very optimistic and fully enjoy their life. I would like to have a passion, improve my skill and enjoy my life. (Anonymity)

I thought that Australia has good work life balance and flexible working style; so it is easier for women to work, including starting business. However, I found that all female entrepreneurs had some difficulties, and worked so hard to be successful. So, the situation in Japan is not so much different as I thought before. Overall, what is the most necessary for Japanese woman is "passion". In addition, Japanese woman need to be more optimistic, as we tend to underestimate ourselves due to our culture. (Anonymity)


Date : Oct. 20th, 2009 (Tuesday)
Time : 19:00 - 21: 00
Place : Omotesando College (ewoman, Inc. 4F)
Seminar Fee : \6,000

■Seminar Highlight

Female entrepreneurs from Australia are coming to Japan to conduct business with Japanese companies of various kinds, from cosmetics and aroma to education.
These women are developing business not only in Australia, but in the markets of other countries as well.
Hear from these globally active women on matters such as business, how they started their companies, and the relationship they wish to create with business women of Japan.
The seminar will be facilitated by Kaori Sasaki of ewoman, Inc.

オーストラリアの女性起業家たちが、日本の企業とのビジネスのた めに来日。コスメやアロマ、教育など、業種はさまざま。オーストラリアだけでなく、他国の市場でもビジネスを展開し、国際的に活躍している彼女たちに、ビ ジネスのこと、起業までの経緯、日本のビジネスウーマンと築きたい関係などを、聞きます。ファシリテーターは、イー・ウーマン代表の佐々木かをり。

※Lectures will be conducted in English. No interpreter will be provided. However, oral participation is not a requirement of this seminar.
※All are welcome.




Recommended for individuals who:

  • are interested in international business
  • wish to start their own company
  • are thinking of working overseas
  • are interested in Australia
  • just want a breath of dynamic energy

Seminar Lecturers  出演者 ※予定


  • All applications will be finalized when payment is received. If payment is not received within five business days after applying via website, the application will be cancelled.
  • Cancellations nor refunds cannot be accepted once payment has been received
  • Seminar date is subject to change by lecturer or Omotesando College.
  • Participants will be notified beforehand upon such change.

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