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石倉洋子の「表参道カレッジ x SINCA」【英語】

石倉洋子  一橋大学 名誉教授

日時 2018年11月09日(金)19:00-21:00

Omote Sando College X SINCA Special Session

Unprecedented transformation taking place for job and skills in the world. Japan being isolated and detached from this wave of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Are you ready for challenge?  Do’s and Don’ts” for Those who want to join and have fun in the Global Space
This is a special session organized and run by Yoko Ishikura, frequent speaker at International Conference for Women in Business and now starting new project, SINCA, to explore the collaboration potential.
Message from Yoko Ishikura
 Labor management and human capital development practices in Japan is quite different and detached from the rest of the world trend today.  Finally, President Nakanishi of Keidanren triggered long overdue debate  on “orderly” one-shot recruiting practiced in Japan. While lifelong learning has been a major issue in the world for some time, Abe administration just began  policies promoting recurrent training  and education.
 Japan remains to be the country where human capital management is so outdated and different from the rest of the world. “Diversity” & “Workstyle Reform” advocated by the PM Abe is losing momentum with little change taking place in the society.
 No one can deny that human capital, key resources for global competition, can stand still when industries and companies are being disrupted, mainly by technology. Individuals cannot afford following traditional approach of leaving career decisions to the companies and/or government. They need to design their own career and think hard as to how they can continue learning and upgrading their market value. 
 At this seminar, we will develop action plan we can start tomorrow, by having broad global perspective and identifying the skills/knowledge we need to position ourselves as valuable resources.

 Date: Friday, November 9, 2018
 Time: Registration starts at 18:45
       Session starts at 19:00
       Session ends at 20:15
       Networking until 21:00

Number of people:48 max (12 min)


国際女性ビジネス会議でも大人気の石倉洋子さんが主催するSINCA 。今回はSINCAとのコラボレーションによる英語セッションとなります。レクチャーやディスカッションなど、全て英語で行われる講座です。通訳はつきません。自分を高めたい方、ぜひご参加ください!





講座名:石倉洋子の「表参道カレッジ x SINCA」
日時:   2018年11月9日(金)
開場:   18:45
講座:   19:00-21:00 (スタート19:00、講演終了20:15、ネットワーキング21:00まで)
場所: イー・ウーマン セミナールーム
住所 :    〒107-0062東京都港区南青山2-4-16
地図:  https://goo.gl/maps/kZeweBmiQ5S2

*48名    最低開催人数:12名



一橋大学  名誉教授